A very rare denarius of Juba II with Cleopatra Selene
Los 1512
KINGS OF MAURETANIA. Juba II, with Cleopatra Selene, 25 BC-AD 24. Denarius (Silver, 18 mm, 3.21 g, 7 h), Caesarea, RY 6 = 20/19 BC. REX•IVBA•REGIS•NEAI•F•R•A•VI Diademed head of Juba to left. Rev. BACIΛICCA KΛЄOΠATPA Draped bust of Kleopatra Selene to left. MAA 114. Mazard 357. SNG Copenhagen 546. Spoerri-Butcher Group 1.b. Very rare and nicely toned. Faint old cleaning scratches, otherwise, good fine.

From an American collection, formed from the 1960s through 1980s, privately acquired from Empire Coins (with dealer and collector tickets).

There are numerous coin types of Juba II and Cleopatra Selene, yet this type, featuring their portraits as the principal designs on both the obverse and reverse, is among the rarest. Cleopatra Selene, the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty, was the daughter of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII. Born around 40 BC, she was raised, along with her siblings, by Octavian’s sister, Octavia. Eventually, Augustus arranged her marriage to Juba II, king of Numidia, to secure his loyalty to Rome. Together, they ruled as client monarchs of Mauretania, which nominally retained its independence until the reign of Caligula.
150 CHF
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